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Slate Roofing by German Roofing

The Epitome of Elegance and Durability in Arizona. At GERMAN ROOFING, we understand the unique demands of the Arizona climate and offer slate roofing solutions that stand the test of time. Renowned for its natural beauty and longevity, slate roofing brings a touch of timeless elegance to any home. Its exceptional durability makes it ideal for withstanding Arizona’s intense heat and occasional harsh weather. With slate’s variety of rich colors and textures, we provide bespoke roofing options that not only protect your home but also enhance its architectural charm.

Our Slate Roofing Recommendations

GERMAN ROOFING also installs slate roofing. Slate essentially consists of finely grained sediments of different earthbound materials, including pumice and clay. Slate is a good option if your number one priority is longevity because slate shingles can last well over a century in ideal conditions. However, if price is a major factor, this would not be the best choice because they can cost over three times as much as other fiberglass asphalt shingles.


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